GLASS TALES - with Simone Crestani
“A set of goliardic glasses. Love
poisons and love potions are
both hiding in the double
bottom of the glass... Love is
A special project for Fondazione Cologni and Doppia Firma.
Videoclip by Delicatoni”
The musical group Delicatoni has collaborated with Matteo Cibic for the creation of a music video in which the functioning of some glasses is captured in the narration of a story in which a countess makes fun of her young lovers.
“We were fascinated by the scenario in which Matteo contextualized his glasses. The story of a countess, who with a breath could decide the fate of her lovers, injecting poison or love elixir into the mouth of those who drank with her. The glasses have two spouts, so that two of us can drink at the same time, with a game of drains and communicating vessels different from each other. The music comes from the search for mystery and tension that this situation, well described by the direction of Lulu Vicedomini and Nicolò Bassetto, suggests; in the colors and in the scene changes.”